Friday, July 02, 2010

Of sleepover, crappy feeling, and common sense on people

This is going to a semi ramble and semi rant post.

Last night my mother asked me to stay at my cousin's house. Generally I enjoy my stay there because that means I have some time alone, which I rarely can get at home. Well, the problem with sleeping over is... I think the souls in that house dislike me. LOL! No, I'm serious. 

Every time I stay the night, I will have trouble falling asleep. The nightmares are usual, I have them at home, too. The difference is that I can always stay asleep until dawn at home. I kept on waking up every half an hour last night. I always feel tired in the morning - but never this tired. So today I feel slightly crappy. Ah, I really can't explain

Now off to my semi rant post. 

I can't believe how arrogantly stupid some people get these days. No offense, I'm not referring to any of you here. It was not even eight in the morning and there were this two stupid people on the street:

So as I told you before, I woke up this morning feeling extra crappy. I went home riding the cousin's motorcycle (my new plate number isn't ready yet). I was on the right lane, and there came a flashy white car ON MY LANE! And guess what the driver did: He flashed me with his headlights! Feeling impressed was the last thing on my mind. It was crazy; who does he think he is?? Instead of going to HIS own lane; the man expected me to move away from him. And me, being me and feeling extra crappy, of course I didn't move. I went straight at him. I know that no one in their right mind would want to hit a motorcycle with a flashy car. He swerved to the left, back to his own lane on time, and I even got to shout at him. Ha!

And here's the second stupid person. I was about a kilometer from home when I saw my neighbor's car stopping in the middle of an intersection, half blocking people who wanted to turn left or go to that direction. People were honking at her. I was about to stop to see if she was okay when I passed the car. Guess what she was doing in the car? Eating snacks! OH MY DEAREST LORD!! What was she thinking? Wasn't she taught how to park?! She was not only endangering people but also herself! 

I'm not trying to judge people here, as I know sometimes I do stupid things on the street as well. But I never, ever do it on purpose. Believe me, if I could force every single school in this country to do something, I'd force them to have common sense as a compulsory subject!


  1. Wow! That's awful driving skills! You'd think they would want to have an accident. Hopefully you can catch up on your sleep tonight with less nightmares!

  2. Well, some people think it's cool to drive on the wrong lane. *grumblegrumble*
    Thank you. I hope my auntie's family comes home today. If they don't I have to sleep over there again tonight.

  3. I like your rants. Especially at bad drivers. There should be some effort to teach people the finer points of driving. In the UK, they have these little "information films" that appear on the TV instead of ads from time to time. Telling people to use their turn signals, watch out for motorbikes, etc. Be good to see something like that in the US.

  4. The souls don't like you? Is the house haunted?
